Cookie settings

The Vibeit website uses cookies. With cookies, we provide a better user experience, easier content review, usage analysis, ad systems and functionalities. You can select and edit individual purposes by clicking on “Settings”. You can read more about cookies here.

Link to your own domain

To start, we will link your online store, which is initially hosted on the Vibeit subdomain (e.g.,, to a dedicated tab on your website, provided that such a tab exists (typically labeled as "Shop," "Merch," or "Store").

Once linked, you can redirect your online store to your own custom subdomain (e.g.,

Option 1: Using a separate DNS server (Cloudflare .ipd)

  • Create a new CNAME record:

  • Enable HTTPS encryption for added security.

Option 2: Using DNS on the same server as your website (various hosting providers, cPanel .ipd)

  • Create a subdomain for your store. (e.g.,
  • Generate an HTTPS certificate on your hosting provider for the subdomain or for the entire domain (wildcard certificate).
  • Edit DNS records: Delete the A record and add the following CNAME record:
    • Type: CNAME
    • Value: shop
    • Content:

Ensuring a secure connection

To establish a secure connection (HTTPS), it is recommended to use Cloudflare. Cloudflare provides an easy-to-use interface for setting up HTTPS and additional security features. The basic plan is free and offers essential services like encryption and performance optimization.

You can set up your domain via the Cloudflare website.

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