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Sell your

Click the button below and start selling your own merch products in your online store in a few clicks using the Vibeit platform
Get started
Influencer, ki se smeji in uživa v svojih novih merch izdelkih


Products sold


Influencers and companies that sell with Vibeit

2-5 days

from order to shipment
Influencers who already trust us
Slika majica in puloverja z lastnim potiskom. Zakaj influencerji potrebujejo svoj merch? slika


Če imaš zveste sledilce, bodo z veseljem kupili tvoj merch in širili tvoj brand, ti pa ob prodaji še dodatno zaslužiš!

Why do I need my merch at all?

Which brands “come to mind” first? The ones you see every day!

So if you want to put your brand at the forefront, transfer your image to t-shirts, jackets, hats and other merch products. Choose ones that your loyal followers will gladly wear and unwittingly turn into ambassadors of your brand.

How do I open
your merch store?

With the Vibeit platform, setting up an online store is quick and easy. If you can solve an online survey, you can set up your own store with your own merch products!
Get started
Pogleda na nadzorno ploščo Vibeit platforme, preko katere si lahko odprete svojo spletno trgovino. slika

In 4 steps from an idea to automated merch shop

ikona košarica, odpri svojo lastno merch spletno trgovino

Sign up to Vibeit

With a simple click, you can set up a simple and completely your webshop. No upfront cost, no domain needed and no programming.
ikona design, ustvari svoj design in oblikuj merch izdelke za spletno prodajo

Create products

Have an idea for a cool product? Create your fully branded products and add them to your new webshop.
Ikona zvočnika, razširi novice o svoji spletni trgovini


You're brand new webshop is ready for it's first customers. Use your audience and spread the word - it's time to start selling!
ikona denarnice, prevzami zaslužke in profit iz svoje spletne trgovine

Collect profits

Now that the hard part of running a custom webshop is taken care of by us - it's time for you to collect your profits and enjoy!

We print, sell and deliver, you get the profits!

It only takes a few steps to get started. We'll help you source, personalize and fulfill custom merch products directly to your followers. Totally hassle free.

Print on demand

Quality assured apparel and other print-on-demand products

Orders and fullfilement

We fulfill and ship your orders for you, so you can focus on selling

Customer Support

Don't worry about keeping your customers happy. We'll do that for you!


We deliver your custom branded merch anywhere in the world.


Our team will handle any returns, damage complaints or refunds


Our platform takes care of invoicing, taxation and compliance.


We manage your merch inventory and incoming logistics.

Warehousing and fulfillment

We'll store your products in our own warehouses, no more boxes in your garage.
Influencer v svoji lastni majici z potiskom, slika, jpg

Your brand at the forefront

When you set up your online merch store with the Vibeit platform, you only put your brand at the forefront. We offer a 100% white-label solution, which means that your followers will not follow us anywhere on your page - not even in the URL address!

Participate every step of the way or just take the money

At Vibeit, we do not want to take control of the sale of your business, so you can have exactly as much insight into the whole process as you want.

Control every step from order to shipment, track only the order numbers and leave the logistics to us, or at the end of the month just pick up the earnings - the decision is yours!
Vibeit platforma deluje tudi na mobilnih napravah, kjer lahko influencerji spremljajo svojo prodajo in urejajo izdelke. slika

Your followers deserve the best

Stand behind the merchandise you sell. Make sure your followers are happy with the design, and we'll take care of the rest.
Top izdelki v Vibeit ponudbi, ikona

Top products

We give priority to quality, so even with regular use, the print will not sag, wash or crumble.
Hitra obdelava naročil in odpošiljanje, ikona

Fast fulfillment

Orders for your T-shirts and other custom products are processed within 2-5 days, printed and shipped to the desired address.
Globalna dostava z Vibeit platformo, ikona

Global delivery

Do you want to offer your products to customers in Germany, USA, Japan or Australia? We deliver to any address